Before the signing:
- Notify us if you do not receive our Notary Service Request within 15 minutes of the signing being given to you or upon reaching your office.
- Please call the borrower and confirm the appointment time and signing location as soon as possible after accepting the assignment. Do not wait until you receive the documents. In most instances, you will not receive documents until the day of the signing.
- If your state requires witnesses, ask the Borrower to have the witnesses present.
- Do not change the date of a signing without prior permission. Do not change the date of a signing if it is for your convenience. An appointment can be changed only at the request of the borrower and only with prior approval.
- If the borrower requests a change of time for the signing, notify us so we may notify our client and revise our records. An appointment time may not be changed for your convenience.
- If you cannot reach the borrower, let us know immediately. Please do not wait until after the appointment time to tell us you were unable to contact the borrower.
- If an appointment has been preset by our client, and you are unable to confirm the appointment with the borrower, please call us so that we can ask our client if you should keep that appointment.
- If you do not receive documents, let us know immediately. Please do not wait until after the appointment time to tell us you didn’t have documents.
- Do not go to the signing without the escrow documents. If they are not in the package, call us.
At the signing:
- Professional appearance and attitude are very important. Dress appropriately. Arrive on time. Never bring a friend, child or pet to the signing.
- Before the borrower(s) begin signing, instruct them to sign their name(s) exactly as printed on the documents, even if this is not the way they usually sign.
- Do not allow the borrower to alter the documents without the express permission of the lender or escrow officer.
- A notary may only define the title of a document. A notary cannot interpret, give advice or in any way offer an opinion as to the contents of the documents being signed. However, you may direct the borrower to the document containing the information sought by the borrower. Please call the lender and/or escrow officer if the borrower has any questions.
- The borrower may have been instructed to produce a certified check or copies of various documents at the time of signing. If the Borrower is unable to produce such documents, report this immediately upon checking in.
- Under no circumstances commit to a funding date. Advise the borrower to call the lender or escrow officer for that information.
- The documents must be notarized in the presence of the signor.
- Please review each document to make sure all documents are properly signed, dated and notarized. Be sure to stamp where required and make sure that your stamp is clear and legible. If there is no room for your notary stamp and an Acknowledgment is not provided, please use one of your own. Do not leave the document without notarization.
- Please make every attempt to call the escrow officer or the lender if the borrower refuses to sign the documents.
- If the borrower refuses to sign the documents, take both the original and the borrower’s copy with you. Leave the borrower’s copy only if instructed to do so by the lender or escrow officer.
After the signing:
- If you turn off your cell phone during the signing, please check for messages as soon after leaving the appointment as possible.
- If there was a problem with the signing and you could not reach anyone from the signing, notify us as soon as you leave the property.
- Before you return the documents, check them one more time for missed signatures, dates or stamps. They should be returned stacked in the same order in which they are received.
- Please make every effort to ship the documents the day of the signing. On all signings scheduled for 4:00 p.m. or earlier, the documents must be returned the same day. All documents signed after 4:00 p.m. must be returned the next day. This includes documents signed on Friday. They have to be dropped no later than Saturday. Please make every attempt to drop the documents at a location that is picked up on Saturday.
- All documents must be returned to the company named on the Notary Service Request. If there is no return envelope provided or if the return information differs from the name on the Service Request, please call ATS for shipping instructions.
- Do not drop packages in drop boxes. Docs must be dropped at locations that scan the docs immediately.
- The Completion Report at the bottom of the Notary Service Request must be completed and faxed to ATS no later than 9:00 a.m. on the day following the signing appointment.
- Notify us if you are called by our client to make an additional trip to the borrower. If we are not the ones to call you, we may not know about the second appointment and can’t bill our client. If we haven’t billed our client for the additional trip, we cannot pay you for it.
5:42:32 AM Pacific Standard Time on September 16th, 2024
ATS Document Service, Inc.